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Do you want to hold your own Cacao Ceremonies?


After years of working with plant and indigenous medicines, helping and holding space for hundreds of people I have decided its time to share that knowledge and wisdom with others. As I believe empowering and enabling others to share Sacred Cacao in a safe supportive environment is the way to get even greater healing out in to a world in desperate need of heart connection.


You will receive my knowledge of working with Spirit Medicine, how to connect and trust your own inner knowing, How to build a relationship with the medicine. How to set a sacred space in which to do your work and invite others to heal. How to 'hold space' and what that means. How to conduct groups and lead in prayer, meditation and connection. How to use your voice, music and sound. How to facilitate a sharing circle. How to source and make Ceremonial Cacao. But most importantly how to find your own way, how to cultivate your own special way of serving medicine.


I will guide you through everything you need to be fully confident in working with cacao, hosting, marketing and promoting your events.

Each workshop is approx. 2 hours. 


Feel free to reach out if you have questions I offer a FREE Discovery call.




Using a simple and free video call platform called Zoom, we can connect together anytime that fits your schedule, anywhere in the world. No fancy equipment needed just an internet connection, a computer, laptop or smart phone.



I create a beautiful healing space so you can feel comfortable and supported. We will start with a chat on what your aims are, where you are currently find yourself so I can then cater our sessions specifically to your needs to help you fully achieve your goals.

Workshop Sessions


Cacao Ceremonie Basics - $200


  • Covering all the basics for starting your journey as a Cacao Facilitator

  • How to source and make ceremonial cacao

  • Choosing venues, setting up and creating sacred space

  • Working in the physical and energetic realms to conduct ceremony

  • Smudging, feather work, & invocations

  • The many way in which to work with cacao


This is suitable for all, no previous knowledge is required as I will share with you my wealth of knowledge and experience of holding medicine and healing circles. You will learn all about Cacao and from day one start your own personal connection to the Spirit. I will give you practical 'to do's'. from creating you alter and your daily meditation and cacao work. One you have developed your personal practice we will move into how to 'hold space'. And create a cacao ceremony for others. We will also cover writing prayers, group meditations and how to open and close sacred space.


SOUND - Drums, Rattles and Ceremonial songs - $200


  • The relevance of sound and vibration in ceremony 

  • How to create atmosphere and move energy using sound

  • Basic drumming patterns and rattle work

  • Creating sound weaves

  • We shall learn some ceremonial cacao songs for you to use

  • We will learn about basic song structure for creating your own songs


Sound and voice work is my field of expertise and I love sharing about how to use sound and vibration to move emotions, create energy fields, induce healing and deeper connection to the heart. How to clear energy and resent the brainwave patterns using drums and rattles. How to unite a groups energy through sound and song. For many years I have been sitting with myself or in ceremonial space and song circles collecting songs and knowledge which I'm honored to share with you now.


VOICE - Open your voice - $200


  • Overcome fears around singing

  • Learn to use your voice as an instrument

  • Develop a daily practice to keep . your voice tuned up

  • Discover what your voice can really do when you allow it

  • Sound healing using the voice

  • Correction of any bad habits restricting the way you express through your voice

  • ​

Stepping out of the illusion of performance and back to the truth that our voice is one of the greatest healing tools we possess we will delve deep into what is going on for your with your voice and how we can open you more to your true heart song. how we can get your mind out of the way so Spirit can channel through you. To get you singing freely from a place of joy. Singing and making sound with confidence. I teach technique so you can then be confident enough to drop it all and just sing!​


Marketing - Get your business up and running - $200


  • Social media

  • Branding

  • Websites

  • Mailing lists

  • Getting noticed

  • Creating events


With 20+ years in design and advertising I am now sharing this knowledge to help you get off the ground. To help get cacao into the world! We will cover creating a brand identity even if that brand is you and then how to market it. So you are reaching your target audience and filling your ceremonies.




I uphold a 24 hour cancelation policy which means that if you don't cancel within 24 hours of a session you will lose it. If you cancel 24 hours prior to a session I will reschedule.

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